Create delightful customer experiences
All the tools you need to make customer support your competitive advantage
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With Distrobird, you get a single view of your customers’ interaction with your business across channels and teams, including website activities organized in a chronological timeline so your team can provide the world-class service customers deserve
Distrobird extends the familiarity of email clients to every other channel your customers engage with; SMS, voice, and social. This means you can onboard your team and deploy in minutes, not days
Customers want to be treated like people, not numbers in a queue. Our shared inbox puts the customer front and center. In addition to the chronological timeline we help you create, each contact data is automatically enriched so your team knows exactly who they’re talking to, and how to keep them delighted
With Distrobird’s rule engine, you can create automated sequences targeting customers at every stage of your pipeline. From new website visitors, inactive leads, or customers with low CSAT numbers, you can rest easy knowing they won't fall through the cracks
Calculate your ROIMulti-channel shared inbox
Inbound voice/call center
SMS web messenger
Unlimited workspaces & teams
SMS messenger
Rules & automation
Canned responses
Collision detection
Snooze conversations
Undo send
Comments & mentions
Internal notes
Automated CSAT surveys
Analytics & reporting
Automated issue assignment & load balancing (round-robin, longest Idle time, simultaneous routing)
Our growing list of integrations works with your existing software stack. Use data across our suite of products, or connect to 3rd party applications for better workflow automation and a 360 degree view of each customer or prospect.
Find the 13 best B2B sales prospecting tools and software in 2025. Boost lead generation and streamline sales ...
Mar 15 • 9 min read
Clicks only tell half the story, Track offline sales for a complete customer journey & optimize marketing impa...
Mar 12 • 3 min read
Optimize your sales process with effective lead routing strategies and tools.
Mar 12 • 3 min read
Create a free account. No demos or calls with our sales team required. Upgrade only if you have to.