Yes, Distrobird offers a free tier, no credit card required, but why stop there? With our free plan you have access to Distrobird, but only in a limited capacity.
Yes, you can add as many contacts as you want to your Distrobird dashboard. How great is that!
We don't offer any long-term contracts or commitments. You can choose to be billed for our plans monthly or annually.
Yes! Each product is highly independent and you could get away with buying them separately, but they are also highly complementary. Their value can be greatly increased by combining them in versatile ways.
Users are charged for inbound and outbound SMS and calls. Calls are charged per minute while SMS charges are applied per message. You must have enough credit in your Distrobird balance to use the SMS and voice features.
Absolutely! You can cancel or change your plan at anytime. When you cancel, there are no refunds for unused periods of service. If you’re canceling or downgrading your plan whatever unused balance is left on your current plan will be transferred to your Distrobird credit balance.
Yes, Distrobird offers a variety of international phone numbers for you to purchase and expand your international presence.
Yes, you absolutely can. You can apply to use short-codes on your Distrobird dashboard, fill out the form to get it approved (link).
Not yet, we’re currently developing our mobile app.
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Try Distrobird on your own. No demos or calls with our sales team required. Early Stage company? Your first 5,000 emails are on us. Start with a free account