Security, Compliance & Data Protection
Security, Compliance & Data Protection
Distro’s identity provider enforces 2-factor authentication and automates user provisioning
Our server configuration uses well documented security guidelines, all changes to the infrastructure and security events are tracked and logged
Your customer data is hosted in US-based Amazon Web Services facilities that are physically secure with 24/7 surveillance
All Distro customer data is encrypted using TLS and AES-256
Fault tolerant infrastructure and databases that operate in a cluster configuration. Our application tier scales using load balancing technology that dynamically meets usage demand
Distro feature development is built on a documented SDLC process. We’ve set up internal controls to ensure that every product update is peer reviewed and deemed secure before deployment to production
Distro is not an Automated Telephone Dialing System (ATDS) as it does not have the capacity for random or sequential phone number generation, which meets FCC’s test of human intervention and the Supreme Court’s test of random and sequential number
Discover how smart, automated conversations can boost efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and turn every...
Mar 20 • 4 min read
Learn if a local or toll-free phone number is the best choice to build trust and connect with your customers.
Feb 13 • 4 min read
Build a reliable phone system that scales with your real estate team, improving efficiency and client communic...
Feb 11 • 5 min read
Start with a free account. No demos or credit card required. Join hundreds of companies who seamlessly switched from Aircall to Distro