Web chat
Turn website visitors into customers
Provide your customers and site visitors with scalable real-time support
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Web chat
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Handle 50% more tickets compared to any other channel with Distrobird messenger Quicker Resolutions
Reduce your first-response-time by nearly 65% without sacrificing quality
Faster response time equals happier customers. Double your CSAT by being available to your customers even after they leave your website
Stay connected with site visitors long after they leave your website. Convert each visit to an SMS conversation routed to the right rep
Collaborate as a team on customer issues for faster resolution. Use comments and @mentions to bring in relevant teammates and domain experts into any conversation
Remove the guess work around identifying site visitors. Each conversation begins with the site visitor’s name and phone number so your team can focus on solving their problems
Higher visitor-to-paid conversionGet an enriched profile of individuals and businesses visiting your website; see where they’ve come from, the pages they’re viewing in real-time, and map their entire path across your website or application
Know when prospects in your CRM or Distrobird sequences visit your site so reps can engage them while the opportunity is hot
Automatically segment site visitors into target audiences based on their attributes, e.g. location, size, revenue, etc., or by their level of engagement with your site and marketing materials
SMS messenger
Multi-channel shared inbox
Rules & automation
Canned responses
Automated CSAT surveys
Collision detection
Snooze conversations
Undo send
Comments & mentions
Internal notes
Analytics & reporting
Automated issue assignment & load balancing (round-robin, longest Idle time, simultaneous routing)
Our growing list of integrations works with your existing software stack. Use data across our suite of products, or connect to 3rd party applications for better workflow automation and a 360 degree view of each customer or prospect.
Find the 13 best B2B sales prospecting tools and software in 2025. Boost lead generation and streamline sales ...
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Clicks only tell half the story, Track offline sales for a complete customer journey & optimize marketing impa...
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Optimize your sales process with effective lead routing strategies and tools.
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