shared inbox
A shared inbox built for sales, support and retention teams
Manage multi-channel group inboxes like sales@, support@ or accounts@ in one place
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shared inbox
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Conversations + counting
Countries with voice & SMS #s
Generated for customers
Products & counting
Bring all your customer communication channels together in one place — Email, SMS, voice, WhatsApp, or social — so you can meet them where they are
Happy customers buy more. Distrobird gives you quick access to your customer’s entire history so you can understand their problems and resolve them with confidence
Give each customer the personalized experience they deserve without sacrificing speed
Multi-channel shared inbox
Rules & automation
Canned responses
Collision detection
Snooze conversations
Undo send
Comments & mentions
Internal notes
Automated CSAT surveys
Analytics & reporting
Automated issue assignment & load balancing (round-robin, longest Idle time, simultaneous routing)
Our growing list of integrations works with your existing software stack. Use data across our suite of products, or connect to 3rd party applications for better workflow automation and a 360 degree view of each customer or prospect.
Find the 13 best B2B sales prospecting tools and software in 2025. Boost lead generation and streamline sales ...
Mar 15 • 9 min read
Clicks only tell half the story, Track offline sales for a complete customer journey & optimize marketing impa...
Mar 12 • 3 min read
Optimize your sales process with effective lead routing strategies and tools.
Mar 12 • 3 min read
Create a free account. No demos or calls with our sales team required. Upgrade only if you have to.