Early Stage
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Early Stage
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Automate your outbound outreach: with multi-channel sequences. Send emails and auto-follow up via SMS so leads don’t fall through the cracks.
Qualify prospects: by calling them from your Distro dashboard, no need for additional tools.
Stay organized: with Distro’s built in task router. Automatically create tasks based on how prospects are responding to your messages.
Growing revenue: $25k or less in monthly revenue
Early stage: Total capital raised of $1m or less
New to Distro: Your company is not an existing Distro customer
Incubated: Your company is currently in, or recently graduated from a verified accelerator or incubator program.
Don’t see your incubator here?
Explore the transformative impact of AI in customer service, enabling small businesses to level the playing fi...
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Discover how smart, automated conversations can boost efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and turn every...
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Learn if a local or toll-free phone number is the best choice to build trust and connect with your customers.
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