Ooma Alternatives (Competitors): Better Options for Your Business

If you're exploring alternatives to Ooma for VoIP services, consider Distrobird, RingCentral, Nextiva, 8x8, Vonage, and Grasshopper. These providers offer enhanced features, competitive pricing, and extensive integrations, making them superior choices for many businesses.

While Ooma has been a popular VoIP provider, there are several alternatives like Distrobird, RingCentral, Nextiva, 8x8, Vonage and Grasshopper that offer more robust features, better pricing, and deeper integrations - making them better options for many businesses.

Why You Should Consider Ooma Alternatives (Competitors)

While Ooma is a popular VoIP service, it does have some limitations that may make it less suitable for certain business needs:

  1. Limited International Calling: Ooma's basic service only offers unlimited calling within the US and Canada. If you need to make international calls, you'll have to pay additional per-minute fees.
  2. Lack of Advanced Features: Ooma's basic plan lacks features like call recording, virtual receptionists, and integrations with CRM and productivity tools. To access these, you need to upgrade to their more expensive Premier plan.
  3. Scalability Concerns: Ooma is primarily designed for small home/office use. As your business grows, you may outgrow Ooma's capabilities and need a more robust business phone system.
  4. Mediocre Customer Support: Ooma's customer support has received mixed reviews, with some users reporting long wait times and difficulty resolving issues.

Top Ooma alternatives (competitors) to consider:

1. Distrobird

Distrobird is an all-in-one sales automation tool with in-built powerful cloud-based call center software that serves as an excellent alternative to Ooma, particularly for sales, support, and customer success teams.

Here's how Distrobird stacks up against Ooma:


  • Virtual phone system with auto-attendant, call forwarding, and voicemail
  • Flexible rule-based call routing to triage inbound calls to the right representatives
  • Built-in power and preview dialers to boost outbound call productivity
  • AI agent to engage inbound callers via text message and handle simple tasks
  • Outbound call campaigns automatically created from form submissions
  • Dynamic localization of phone numbers to match customer country or area code


  • Solo ($15/user/month): Perfect for small inbound sales teams. Includes local phone numbers (+$5/extra), unlimited US/Canada calls, basic features & 3-month call recording.
  • Startup ($25/user/month): Ideal for growing inbound sales teams (3+ users). Adds call routing, voicemail greetings, team hours, and 12-month call recording.

Best For: Distrobird is an ideal Ooma alternative for fast-growing small businesses and call centers that need a scalable, cloud-based phone system. Its advanced features like AI-powered call deflection, built-in dialers, and flexible routing make it well-suited for sales and support teams handling high call volumes.

Some key advantages of Distrobird over Ooma include:

  • More robust call center capabilities like power dialers and AI-based call deflection
  • Seamless integrations with other customer engagement channels like email and SMS
  • Scalability to support teams of 5 to 5,000 users
  • Dynamic localization of phone numbers for better global reach

2. RingCentral


  • Unified communications platform with voice, video, team messaging, and more
  • Advanced call center capabilities like IVR, call routing, and analytics
  • Integrations with popular business apps like Salesforce, Microsoft 365, and Google Workspace


  • Starts at $19.99 per user per month for the Essentials plan
  • Offers more robust plans at $27.99, $34.99, and $49.99 per user per month

Best For: RingCentral is an excellent Ooma alternative for businesses that need a comprehensive unified communications solution with advanced call center features. Its deep integrations make it a great fit for companies using other popular business software.

3. Nextiva


  • All-in-one customer experience platform with voice, video, chat, and more
  • Robust call center capabilities like call queues, call recording, and analytics
  • Integrations with CRMs, helpdesk tools, and productivity apps


  • Starts at $30.95 per user per month for the Essential plan
  • Offers advanced plans at $35.95 and $57.95 per user per month

Best For: Nextiva is well-suited as an Ooma alternative for businesses that prioritize a seamless customer experience across multiple communication channels. Its feature-rich platform and integrations make it a great fit for contact centers and customer-facing teams.

4. 8x8


  • Unified communications and contact center solution
  • Includes voice, video, chat, and team messaging
  • Integrations with popular business apps like Salesforce, Microsoft 365, and Zendesk


  • Starts at $15 per user per month for the X2 plan
  • Offers more advanced plans at $24, $44, and $59 per user per month

Best For: 8x8 is an excellent Ooma alternative for small to medium-sized businesses that need a feature-rich yet affordable unified communications platform. Its lower-tier plans provide good value for the money.

5. Vonage


  • Cloud-based business phone system with voice, video, and messaging
  • Advanced call routing, call recording, and analytics capabilities
  • Integrations with CRMs, helpdesk tools, and productivity apps


  • Starts at $19.99 per user per month for the Mobile plan
  • Offers more robust plans at $29.99 and $39.99 per user per month

Best For: Vonage is a strong Ooma alternative for businesses that require a reliable cloud-based phone system with advanced features and integrations. Its flexible pricing makes it a good fit for organizations of various sizes.

6. Grasshopper


  • Virtual phone system with auto-attendant, call forwarding, and voicemail
  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Integrations with popular business apps like Zapier, Google Workspace, and Microsoft 365


  • Starts at $29 per month for the Solo plan
  • Offers plans for Small Business ($49/month) and Partners ($199/month)

Best For: Grasshopper is an excellent Ooma alternative for small businesses and entrepreneurs who need a basic yet reliable virtual phone system with essential features. Its simplicity and affordability make it a great choice for startups and small teams.


When it comes to finding the best Ooma alternative, businesses should carefully evaluate their specific communication needs, budget, and desired features. The alternatives mentioned above offer a range of capabilities, from comprehensive unified communications platforms to more focused virtual phone systems. By considering factors like pricing, integrations, and customer support, businesses can find the VoIP solution that best fits their requirements and helps them stay connected with customers and teams.

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