Sales Call Planner: How to Plan and Nail Your Sales Calls

A sales call planner is your roadmap to sales success. Discover how a sales call planner can transform your sales process and drive revenue growth.

A sales call planner is a tool or template used to plan and prepare for sales calls. It helps sales professionals to structure and standardize their sales call planning, capture key information, and refine their prospecting tactics and sales strategy. The planner typically includes sections for research, pre-call planning, and post-call follow-up, and may include tools such as battle cards, call scripts, customer data, and playbooks.

The goal of a sales call planner is to help sales professionals prepare for productive sales calls, understand customer expectations, and increase the chances of closing deals.

What is Sales Call Planning?

Sales call planning is the act of thoroughly researching a prospect, defining clear objectives, and crafting a strategic approach before engaging in a sales conversation. It involves:

  • Gathering key information about the prospect
  • Identifying their pain points and needs
  • Outlining the agenda and key talking points
  • Anticipating potential objections and preparing responses
  • Determining the desired outcome and next steps

By investing time in sales call planning, you equip your sales reps with the knowledge, confidence, and structure to have more productive, impactful sales conversations.

Why is Sales Call Planning Important?

Sales call planning offers numerous benefits that can transform your sales process:

  1. Improved Preparation: A well-crafted sales call plan ensures your sales reps are armed with the necessary information and talking points to have a meaningful dialogue with the prospect.
  2. Increased Efficiency: By outlining the agenda and desired outcomes upfront, sales reps can stay focused and make the most of the limited time available.
  3. Better Rapport Building: Thorough research on the prospect allows sales reps to personalize the conversation and demonstrate a genuine understanding of the client's needs.
  4. Anticipation of Objections: Proactively identifying potential objections and preparing responses helps sales reps navigate challenging conversations with confidence.
  5. Clearer Next Steps: A sales call plan outlines the desired outcome and the specific next actions, ensuring both parties are aligned on the path forward.

How to Create a Comprehensive Sales Call Plan

Crafting an effective sales call plan involves several key steps:

1. Research the Prospect

Gather as much information as possible about the prospect, their company, industry, and any relevant news or updates. This may include:

  • Company background, products/services, and key personnel
  • The prospect's role, responsibilities, and decision-making authority
  • Existing challenges or pain points the prospect may be facing
  • Competitor information and how your offering compares

2. Define Your Objectives

Clearly articulate the purpose of the sales call and the desired outcome. This could be:

  • Securing a follow-up meeting or demo
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of the prospect's needs
  • Presenting a specific solution or proposal
  • Overcoming a particular objection or concern

3. Outline the Agenda

Create a structured agenda for the sales call, including:

  • Introduction and rapport-building
  • Discovery questions to uncover the prospect's needs
  • Presentation of your solution and its benefits
  • Handling objections and concerns
  • Proposed next steps and call to action

4. Anticipate Objections

Identify potential objections the prospect may raise, such as:

  • Budget constraints
  • Concerns about implementation or integration
  • Doubts about the value proposition
  • Preference for a competitor's offering

Prepare thoughtful responses that address these objections and demonstrate your understanding of the prospect's perspective.

5. Determine Next Steps

Conclude the sales call by outlining the next steps, which may include:

  • Scheduling a follow-up meeting or demo
  • Providing additional information or resources
  • Obtaining a commitment or decision from the prospect
  • Agreeing on a timeline for the next phase of the sales process
How to Create a Sales Call Plan
How to Create a Sales Call Plan

Sales Call Planning Template

To streamline the sales call planning process, consider using a template like the one below:

Sales Call Planning Template
Sales Call Planning Template

By using a structured template, you can ensure that your sales call planning is comprehensive and consistent across your sales team.

How to Build Rapport During a Sales Call

1. Research the prospect and their company beforehand

    • Learn about their background, interests, and industry
    • Find common ground and shared experiences to bond over

2. Ask genuine, personalized questions

    • Avoid generic, scripted questions like "How's it going?"
    • Tailor your questions based on the information you gathered during research
    • Show genuine interest in the prospect's responses

3. Listen actively and demonstrate understanding

    • Avoid interrupting the prospect while they are speaking
    • Repeat back key points to ensure you understood correctly
    • Validate their concerns and challenges

4. Share relevant stories and experiences

    • Share anecdotes or examples that resonate with the prospect's situation
    • Demonstrate your expertise and ability to provide value
    • Build trust by showing you've helped similar companies in the past

5. Find common ground and shared interests

    • Look for hobbies, experiences, or interests you both share
    • Discuss relevant industry trends or news
    • Establish a personal connection beyond just business

Handling Objections During a Sales Call

1. Practice active listening

    • Listen to understand, not just to respond
    • Avoid interrupting the prospect while they are speaking
    • Give them space to voice their concerns and objections freely

2. Repeat back what you hear

    • Restate the prospect's objections to ensure you understood correctly
    • This helps clarify their points and makes them feel heard

3. Validate the prospect's concerns

    • Acknowledge that their objections are valid and understandable
    • Show empathy and understanding for their perspective

4. Ask follow-up questions

    • Probe deeper to uncover the root of their concerns
    • Determine if timing is a real issue or an excuse

5. Provide persuasive responses

    • Address the prospect's specific objections with clear, compelling arguments
    • Leverage social proof, such as case studies or testimonials, to build credibility
    • Offer a specific plan to address their concerns

6. Set a follow-up date

    • If you can't overcome an objection during the call, schedule a time to revisit it
    • Demonstrate your commitment to finding a solution that works for them

How to Structure a Sales Call

1. Set an agenda and manage expectations

    • Outline the key topics you'll cover and the order in which you'll discuss them
    • Manage the prospect's expectations by explaining the structure of the call

2. Start with rapport-building

    • Begin with genuine, personalized questions to establish a connection
    • Find common ground and shared interests to build trust

3. Uncover needs and challenges

    • Ask open-ended questions to encourage the prospect to share their pain points
    • Gain a deeper understanding of their situation and goals

4. Present relevant solutions

    • Tailor your pitch to address the prospect's specific needs and challenges
    • Highlight the key benefits and value your product or service provides

5. Handle objections

    • Anticipate potential objections and prepare responses
    • Practice active listening and validate the prospect's concerns
    • Provide persuasive responses that address the root of their objections

6. Agree on next steps and follow-up

    • Determine what actions you want the prospect to take after the call
    • Schedule a follow-up meeting or call to maintain momentum
    • Send a recap of the conversation and next steps

Pre-Call Planning Checklist

Pre-Call Planning Checklist

1. Research the prospect and their company

    • Learn about their background, interests, and industry
    • Identify potential pain points and challenges they may be facing

2. Set clear goals for the call

    • Determine what you want to accomplish during the call
    • Set specific, measurable goals

3. Prepare open-ended questions

    • Craft questions that encourage the prospect to share their needs and challenges
    • Avoid yes/no questions and focus on open-ended inquiries

4. Anticipate potential objections

    • Identify common objections you may encounter
    • Develop concise, persuasive responses to address each objection

5. Gather necessary resources and materials

    • Ensure you have access to relevant product information, case studies, and sales collateral
    • Prepare any visuals or presentation materials you plan to use during the call

6. Schedule a follow-up and next steps

    • Determine what actions you want the prospect to take after the call
    • Schedule a follow-up meeting or call to maintain momentum

By following these key elements, building rapport, handling objections effectively, structuring your calls strategically, and planning thoroughly, you can significantly improve your sales call success rates and drive business growth.


Effective sales call planning is the foundation for successful sales conversations. By thoroughly researching your prospect, defining clear objectives, and crafting a strategic approach, you can equip your sales reps with the tools they need to engage prospects, overcome objections, and move deals forward. Invest in sales call planning, and watch your sales performance soar.

A well-structured sales call plan is essential for driving sales success. By following the outlined steps and tailoring them to your specific sales process, you can significantly improve your chances of closing deals and building lasting customer relationships.

Distrobird can be a powerful ally in optimizing your sales calls. With its unified inbox, you can effortlessly access all communication channels (email, SMS, and calls) in one place, ensuring you have a complete view of your prospects. The business phone system provides crystal-clear calls and advanced features to enhance your interactions. And by integrating with your sales process, Distrobird's sequences can automate follow-ups and nurture leads, freeing up your time to focus on building relationships and closing deals.

By leveraging Distrobird's capabilities, you can streamline your sales process, improve efficiency, and ultimately drive better results.

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