Genesys Cloud CX Alternatives: Top 5 in 2024

Genesys Cloud CX not your fit? Find top alternatives (affordable, advanced features) to improve your call center experience.

Why do you need a Genesys Cloud CX Alternative?

Genesys is a cloud-based solution designed to help businesses deliver exceptional customer service and build stronger relationships with their audience.

However, despite positioning itself as a contact center management solution, Genesys falls short in crucial features. Users encounter certain drawbacks which include network lag, limitations on the chat platform, and a poor email ticketing system.

Whether you’re searching for more advanced features, a more affordable option, or simply want a different user experience, there are several alternatives for you.

In this guide, we cover some factors to consider while choosing the right Genesys alternative and detailed information on those alternatives.

What should you look for in a Genesys Alternative?

  • Features: First things first, think about what features are essential for your business. Do you need advanced call routing, CRM integration, or maybe call recording? Make a list of must-haves to guide your search.
  • Ease of use: You want a platform that's user-friendly for everyone on your team, so it should be easy to use.
  • Integration station: Ensure that the platform plays nicely with your existing tools. Whether it's your CRM, helpdesk software, or project management system, seamless integration is key to keeping your workflow smooth.
  • Flexibility and scalability: You have plans to see your business grow, therefore, you need a solution that can grow with you. Look for a platform that's flexible enough to adapt to your changing needs and scalable to accommodate your expanding team.
  • Pricing: Budget is always important, so make sure that the platform you’re going for has pricing options aligned with your budget.
  • User feedback: Lastly, don't forget to check out reviews and testimonials from other users. Their experiences will offer valuable insights into what the platform is really like and help you to make better decisions.

The 5 Best Genesys Alternatives To Use In 2024

The following is a list of five Genesys cloud business calling alternatives. The software listed below has proven to be a useful tool in providing calling sims to organizations and businesses.

1. Distrobird

Distrobird is a cloud-based customer and sales engagement platform, designed to streamline sales and manage customer interactions. It is an all-in-one platform managing phone calls, SMS communications, and emails, along with product features like web chats, shared team inbox, and automated campaigns.

It also integrates seamlessly with various popular CRM and business tools, notably HubSpot, Gmail, Stripe, Microsoft Outlook, Twilio, Zapier, Clearbit, Zoho, Telnyx, Salesforce and NGP VAN.

Distrobird best features

  • Local phone number support in 103 countries.
  • Unlimited inbound calls in the US and Canada.
  • Hold music and customizable voicemail greetings.
  • Team office hours and call recording data stored for 3-12 months.
  • Simultaneous, round-robin, fixed order, and longest-idle time call and SMS routing.
  • Queue callback and call barging for improved customer service.
  • Do-not-contact (DNC) lists to adhere to regulatory requirements.
  • Call previews and power dialers for effective outreach.
  • Offers multi-channel communication for diverse outreach strategies.
  • Automation of tasks to streamline workflow and increase efficiency.
  • Various sales-focused features to enhance sales processes.
  • Provides a customer-centric inbox for organized and effective communication.
  • Enables businesses to streamline customer or prospect engagements for enhanced productivity.

Distrobird limitations

  • The free plan is limited to 3 users.
  • Available only on the web; no mobile application.

Distrobird pricing

  • Free Plan: Free
  • Startup: $8/month (shared inbox) or $25/month (sequences and voice)
  • Growth: $50/month
  • Enterprise: $75/month

2. Alvaria

Alvaria is a cloud-based contact center solution designed to streamline customer interactions and empower your workforce by breaking down communication silos and allowing customers to connect through their preferred channels – voice, chat, email, social media

Alvaria best features

  • Customers can seamlessly switch between channels (voice, chat, email, social media) without starting from scratch
  • Real-time performance tracking which allows for continuous improvement and coaching
  • It prioritizes continuous improvement with regular updates and feature releases.

Alvaria limitations

  • Speed problem on aspect server
  • Complexity with setup and web connections
  • Inaccuracy in forecasting
  • Poor customer service response
  • Pricing plan is not included on website

Alvaria pricing

  • Contact sales for further information

3. 8x8

8x8 is a unified communication platform that offers a feature-rich platform that empowers you to connect, collaborate, and deliver exceptional customer service. It improves your customer experience with key functionalities such as voice calls, video conferencing, messaging, and faxing that benefit businesses.

8x8 best features

  • It helps you create inter-personal interactions with customers
  • The mobility of the app allows employees to connect and communicate from any part of the world
  • It provides robust security measures and offers high uptime guarantees

8x8 limitations

  • Inability to contact customer support
  • High prices coupled with poor call quality
  • There is no transparency regarding the billing system for account

8x8 pricing

  • Contact sales team for more information

4. Aircall

Aircall is a customer, communication, and engagement platform, designed for sales and support teams. It focuses on improving customer interactions and has integrations with various CRMs and business tools.

Aircall best features

  • It has a user-friendly interface, providing an easy setup and use.
  • Aircall offers collaboration features such as call transfer and call notes, enabling teams to work together more effectively.
  • It provides a comprehensive analysis tool, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions.

Aircall limitations

  • Frequent connectivity issues with inbound calls.
  • Limited CRM integration.
  • Lacks many reporting features found in similar apps.
  • Some pricing plans may not offer enough customization features.

Aircall pricing

  • Essential: $40/month
  • Professional: $70/month
  • Custom: Contact team for details

5. Five9

Five9 is a cloud communication software that delivers exceptional customer service and streamlines your business operations by integrating your customers’ various channels of communication into a unified platform. It helps your workforce carry out tasks with key functionalities such as scheduling tools, skills-based routing, and performance reporting.

Five9 best features

  • It eliminates the need for expensive hardware by providing a scalable cloud platform
  • Five9 tackles the issue of inefficient operations with real-time coaching, and gamification to improve performance
  • It leverages on AI and automation to streamline operations

Five9 limitations

  • Slow network and inability to navigate user interface
  • Technical issues with software
  • Users jump through hoops to find specific messages, making communication review a frustrating experience.

Five9 pricing

  • Digital: $175/month
  • Core: $175/month
  • Premium: $235/month
  • Optimum: $290/month
  • Ultimate: $325/month

Which Cloud Contact Center is Right For You?

Finding the right Genesys Cloud alternative depends on your specific needs and budget.

Distrobird stands out as a comprehensive solution, offering an all-in-one platform for calls, emails, SMS, and integrations with popular CRMs and business tools.

Its features cater to both sales and customer support teams, with functionalities like multi-channel communication, automation, and a customer-centric inbox for streamlined workflows.

Whether you're a startup or an established business, Distrobird's scalable pricing plans make it a cost-effective choice. Create your free Distrobird account and see how it can transform your customer interactions!

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