Society for Classical LearningSociety for Classical StudiesSociety for Clinical Data ManagementSociety for Clinical Mindfulness & MeditationSociety for Clinical Research SitesSociety for Clinical SocialSociety for Clinical TrialsSociety for Clinical and Experimental HypnosisSociety for Clinical and Medical Hair Removal IncSociety for Clinical and Translational Science (Scts)Society for Co-Operation in Russian and Soviet StudiesSociety for Coaching PsychologySociety for Cognitive Studies of the Moving ImageSociety for College and University PlanningSociety for Colleglate Travel & Expense Management SctemSociety for Commercial Archeology IncSociety for Community DevelopmentSociety for Community OrganizationSociety for Community Organization 香港社區組織協會Society for Community Outreach & Training (Scot)Society for Community SupportSociety for Companion Animal StudiesSociety for Companion Animal Studies (Scas)Society for Companion AnimalsSociety for Comparative EndocrinologySociety for Complementary TherapiesSociety for Conservation BiologySociety for Conservation Biology North AmericaSociety for Conservation Biology Seq Inc.Society for Conservation Gis (Scgis)Society for Conservation Gis CanadaSociety for Constitutional Law & Human RightsSociety for Consumer PsychologySociety for Consumer PsychologySociety for Contemporary American Literature in GermanSociety for Contemporary ArtSociety for Contemporary CraftSociety for Corporate Governance NigeriaSociety for Creative Anachronism, Inc.Society for Critical AestheticsSociety for Critical Legal StudiesSociety for CryobiologySociety for Cultural Exchange IncSociety for Cyberabad Security council.orgSociety for Dance ResearchSociety for Data ScienceSociety for Data Science- Bit MesraSociety for Democracy and Human DevelopmentSociety for Democratic RightsSociety for Design AdministrationSociety for Design Administration Boston ChapterSociety for Design Administration Denver ChapterSociety for Design Administration, San Diego ChapterSociety for Development Educational Agriculture ResearchSociety for Development Studies - IndiaSociety for Developmental and Behavioral PediatricsSociety for Dialectical Behaviour TherapySociety for Dialogue and Action LimitedSociety for Digital HealthcareSociety for Digital Mental HealthSociety for Disability StudiesSociety for Disabled ChildrenSociety for Disabled ProfessionalsSociety for Disaster Medicine and Public HealthSociety for Disease Control & ResearchSociety for Diversity Executives & ProfessionalsSociety for Diversity in the Biomedical SciencesSociety for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in BusinessSociety for Earthquake and Civil Engineering DynamicsSociety for East Asian Affairs (Seaa)Society for East Asian Affairs (Seaa)Society for East Asian ArchaeologySociety for East Asian Studies (Seas) - Bilkent UniversitySociety for Ecological Restoration (Ser)Society for Ecological Restoration IncSociety for Economic BotanySociety for Economic DynamicsSociety for Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship DevelopmentSociety for Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship DevelopmentSociety for Economic Research & TrainingSociety for Editors and Proofreaders (Sfep)Society for Editors and Proofreaders LimitedSociety for EducationSociety for Education & Economic Policy Research in Nigeria (Seeprin)Society for Education & TechnologySociety for Education & Welfare ActivitiesSociety for Education and Economic DevelopmentSociety for Education and TechnologySociety for Education in AnesthesiaSociety for Educational & Entrepreneurship Development (Seed)Society for Educational WelfareSociety for Effectual ActionSociety for Electroanalytical Chemistry IncSociety for Electronic Transactions & SecuritySociety for Electronic Transactions and Security (Sets)Society for Elephant WelfareSociety for Elimination of Rural Poverty - IndiaSociety for Emblem StudiesSociety for Emergency Medicine IndiaSociety for Employee RelationsSociety for EndocrinologySociety for Energy Business Finance at Penn StateSociety for Energy TransitionSociety for Engineering Education IndiaSociety for Engineering Education IndiaSociety for Enhancement of Networking in Slovenia - Društvo Za Vzpodbujanje Mreženja SinSociety for Environment and Development, DelhiSociety for Environment and Social AwarenessSociety for Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentSociety for Environmental Engineers and ScientistsSociety for Environmental GeosciencesSociety for Environmental Sustainability (Ses)Society for Epidemologic ResearchSociety for Equal Access/ IlcSociety for Equitable Voluntary ActionsSociety for Eritrean & Ethiopian Diaspora DevelopmentSociety for Estuary Waste Education & ResearchSociety for Ethical Culture NySociety for Ethics in Egg Donation and SurrogacySociety for Ethiopian Computer Science Professionals - EcspSociety for Evidence-Based Gender MedicineSociety for Excellence in Arbitration LawSociety for Excellence in Constitutional Law and Public Policy [Rmlnlu]Society for Excellence in ManagementSociety for Existential AnalysisSociety for Experimental BiologySociety for Experimental Biology & MedicineSociety for Experimental Biology and MedicineSociety for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.Society for Exploration OSociety for Extra Curricular Activities (Seca)Society for Family HealthSociety for Family Health InternationalSociety for Family Health NigeriaSociety for Family Health RwandaSociety for Family Health ZambiaSociety for FamilycareSociety for Fertilizers and EnvironmentSociety for Financial Education & Professional Development, Inc. (Sfepd)Society for Financial Education and Professional DevelopmenSociety for Foodservice ManagementSociety for Forensic Accounting and Fraud PreventionSociety for French StudiesSociety for Freshwater ScienceSociety for Game CinematicsSociety for General MicrobiologySociety for Geology Applied to Mineral DepositsSociety for Georgia Archaeology IncSociety for Gerontological Nutrition in Finland GerySociety for GlycobiologySociety for Haitian Research IncSociety for HandicappedSociety for Hawaiian ArchaeologySociety for Health Allied Research and Education (Share Usa)Society for Health CommunicationSociety for Health Information Systems Project (Hisp India)Society for Health PsychologySociety for Health Thought LeadershipSociety for Health and Psychology Enabled Services (Shapes)Society for Healthcare Consumer Advocacy (Shca)Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of AmericaSociety for Healthcare Improvement ProfessionalsSociety for Healthcare Innovation - ShciSociety for Healthcare ReformSociety for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development (Shsmd)Society for HematopathologySociety for Hemophilia CareSociety for Heritage & Ecological ResearchesSociety for Hispanic Historical and Ancestral ResearchSociety for Historical ArchaeologySociety for Historical ArchaeologySociety for History and Racial EquitySociety for Hong Kong StudiesSociety for Horticultural TherapySociety for Hospital Social Work Directors Missouri Kansas ChapterSociety for Hospitality & Foodservice ManagementSociety for Hospitality Educators IndiaSociety for Human Advancement Through Rehab Engineering FDN IncSociety for Human Advancement and Disadvantaged Empowerment ShadeSociety for Human EcologySociety for Human Empowerment and Rights (Sher)Society for Human Resource ManagementSociety for Human Resource Management (Shrm) - Nova Southeastern University Student ChapterSociety for Human Resource Management SHRM Columbus Area IncSociety for Human Resource Management Virgin IslandsSociety for Human Resource Management at CornellSociety for Human Resource Management at Texas A&m UniversitySociety for Human Resource Management of Central New Jersey ISociety for Human Resource Management, University of Washington ChapterSociety for Human Resource Management-Long Island ChapterSociety for Human Resource Management-Rio Grande ValleySociety for Human Resources Management Csu, Chico Student ChapterSociety for Human Rights &Society for Human StudiesSociety for Human Welfare and EducationSociety for Human and Environmental Development (Shed)Society for Humanistic JudaismSociety for Humanistic Judaism-San DiegoSociety for Humanitarian Archaeological Research and Exploration (s.h.a.r.e.)Society for Humanitarian SolidaritySociety for Image-Guided Neurointerventions (Sign)Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (Siim)Society for Imaging Science and Technology (Is&t)Society for Immortality Research IncSociety for Immunotherapy of Cancer (Sitc)Society for Inclusive EducationSociety for India at Cornell UniversitySociety for Indian Children's WelfareSociety for Indian Music and ArtsSociety for Indoor Environment(sie)Society for Industrial & Organisational Psychology South Africa (Siopsa)Society for Industrial Archaeology IncSociety for Industrial ArcheologySociety for Industrial Archeology Inc - Oliver Evans ChapterSociety for Industrial BiotechnologySociety for Industrial Management and EngineeringSociety for Industrial MicrobiologySociety for Industrial Microbiology and BiotechnologySociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Siam)Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Nazarbayev University Student ChapterSociety for Industrial and Organisational Psychology AustraliaSociety for Industrial and Organisational Psychology of South AfricaSociety for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Siop)Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology of IranSociety for Industrial and Systems Engineering (Sise)Society for Information DSociety for Information DisplaySociety for Information ManagementSociety for Information Management (Sim) - Colorado ChapterSociety for Information Management (Sim) - New Jersey ChapterSociety for Information Management (Sim) Central CtSociety for Information Management (Sim) Charlotte ChapterSociety for Information Management - Albany ChapterSociety for Information Management - Houston ChapterSociety for Information Management - MemphisSociety for Information Management - Minnesota ChapterSociety for Information Management - Seattle Area ChapterSociety for Information Management SystemsSociety for Information Management: Toronto ChapterSociety for Inherited Metabolic DisordersSociety for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Sine) - Iit BombaySociety for Innovation and Development, IiscSociety for Innovation and Technology in Social WorkSociety for Institutional Analysis - SofiaSociety for Insulin-Like Growth Factor Research IncSociety for Integrated Development and ResearchSociety for Integration of Hearing ImpairedSociety for Integrative OncologySociety for Integrative OncologySociety for Integrative and Comparative BiologySociety for Interdisciplinary Placebo StudiesSociety for International AffairsSociety for International AffairsSociety for International AffairsSociety for International Affairs at StanfordSociety for International DevelopmentSociety for International DevelopmentSociety for International Development (Sid), IsraelSociety for International Development - Netherlands Chapter (Sid Nl)Society for International Development, Washington, d.c. ChapterSociety for International EducationSociety for International Executive ProtectionSociety for International Hockey ResearchSociety for International Law BlogSociety for International Law and Public PolicySociety for International Law- Nusrl RanchiSociety for International Reforms & ResearchSociety for International Space CooperationSociety for Internet AdvancementSociety for Invertebrate PathologySociety for InvestigationSociety for Investigative DermatologySociety for Iranian-American Women in AustinSociety for Japanese Learners of IndiaSociety for Judgement and Decision Making IncorporatedSociety for Karachi YouthSociety for Knowledge Discovery in Distributed and Ubiquitous (Kd2u) EnvironmentsSociety for Knowledge EconomicsSociety for Labour and DevelopmentSociety for Labour and DevelopmentSociety for Laingian StudiesSociety for Law and Technology, DnluSociety for Leadership Skills Development (Slsd)Society for Learning Analytics ResearchSociety for Legal Reforms and EducationSociety for Legal Reforms and EducationSociety for Leukocyte BiologySociety for Liberty and ProsperitySociety for Library ProfessionalsSociety for Libyan StudiesSociety for Lifetime PlanningSociety for Light Treatment and Biological RhythmsSociety for Location AnalysisSociety for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology (Mfpt)Society for Magnetic Resonance AngiographySociety for Maintenance & Reliability ProfessionalsSociety for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals FDNSociety for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals FNDSociety for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals FoundatiSociety for Management InSociety for Management Information Systems - UgaSociety for Managment Information SystemsSociety for Manitobans WithSociety for Manitobans With DisabilitiesSociety for Marine MammalogySociety for Marketing AdvancesSociety for Marketing Professional ServicesSociety for Marketing Professional Services (Smps)Society for Marketing Professional Services (Smps) Wichita ChapterSociety for Marketing Professional Services - Kansas CitySociety for Marketing Professional Services Arizona ChapterSociety for Marketing Professionals RGVSociety for Mass Spectrometry ImagingSociety for Maternal Fetal MedSociety for Maternal-Fetal MedicineSociety for Mathematical BiologySociety for Mathematical BiologySociety for Mathematical Psychology IncSociety for Medical AnthropologySociety for Medical Decision Making IncSociety for Medical Student ResearchSociety for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (Ga)Society for Medicines ResearchSociety for Melanoma Research LTDSociety for Menstrual Cycle ResearchSociety for Mental Health Research 2019 ConferenceSociety for Metallurgical Engineering Students, Nit JamshedpurSociety for Metallurgical Engineers @ OpjuSociety for Metaphysics and WellnessSociety for Midwest MetalsmithsSociety for Military HistorySociety for Mind Brain Sciences "Mbsci - Understanding Mind and Brain"Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (Smiss)Society for Mining, Energy and EnvironmentSociety for Mining, Metallurgical and Exploration (Sme Futa)Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Inc. (Sme)Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration: Northeastern Nevada SectionSociety for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration: Upper Peninsula SectionSociety for Model Gram Bikash KendraSociety for Molecular Biology and EvolutionSociety for Mr Radiographers & Technologists (Smrt), a Section of IsmrmSociety for Mucopolysaccharide DiseasesSociety for Mucosal ImmunologySociety for Multiple Sclerosis Patients in PakistanSociety for Music Perception and CognitionSociety for Music Theory IncSociety for Mycotoxin ResearchSociety for Nature Conservation (Sabuko)Society for Neuro-OncologySociety for Neuroeconomics IncSociety for Neuropsychiatric PatientsSociety for NeuroscienceSociety for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology & Critical CareSociety for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care (Snacc-Neuro)Society for New Communications Research of the Conference BoardSociety for New MusicSociety for News DesignSociety for News Design Foundation IncSociety for NonprofitsSociety for North Americans in BristolSociety for Nurses in Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Nigeria. Rc. 109347Society for Nutrition EduSociety for Nutrition Education and BehaviorSociety for Obstetric Anesthesia and PerinatologySociety for Occupational Health PsychologySociety for Oncology Massage, Inc.Society for Open Communication Inc.Society for Open SoftwareSociety for Optimization of Integrated LearningSociety for Organ Donor AwarenessSociety for Organic LivingSociety for Organisational LearningSociety for Organizational ExcellenceSociety for Organizational Learning - Sol (Singapore)Society for Organizational Learning North AmericaSociety for Orphaned Armenian Relief (Soar)Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (Soar) - Sydney IncorporatedSociety for Orphaned Armenian Relief San Diego (Soar)Society for Orthomolecular Health Medicine-AmericaSociety for Osteopathic WellnessSociety for Paediatric Medicines & Healthcare InitiativeSociety for Pain Practice ManagementSociety for Paper Publications, DsnluSociety for Participatory Integrated DevelopmentSociety for Participatory Integrated DevelopmentSociety for Participatory MedicineSociety for Peace Studies and Practice (Spsp)Society for Peace Studies and Practice (Spsp) Oyo State ChapterSociety for Peace and Conflict ResolutionSociety for Pediatric AnesthesiaSociety for Pediatric DermatologySociety for Pediatric Interventional RadiologySociety for Pediatric Pain MedicineSociety for Pediatric PathologySociety for Pediatric ResearchSociety for Pediatric Sedation IncSociety for Pediatric Urgent Care Medicine IncSociety for Pediatric UrologySociety for Pennsylvania ArchaeologySociety for Pentecostal StudiesSociety for People in NeedSociety for Peoples Action for Development Bangalore(ngo)Society for Peoples Action in Rural Service and Health NgoSociety for Personality AssessSociety for Personality Assessment FoundationSociety for Personality and Social Psychology (Spsp)Society for Petroleum Data ManagersSociety for Phenomenology and Existential PhilosophySociety for Philosophy in the Contemporary WorldSociety for Photographic EducationSociety for Physician Assistants in PediatricsSociety for Planetary DefenseSociety for PlannersSociety for Plant Neurobiology IncSociety for Police & Criminal Psychology IncSociety for Policy StudiesSociety for Political MethodologySociety for Political RationaleSociety for Post-Medieval Archaeology Limited(The)Society for Pre and Post Natal Services (Spans)Society for Preservation OfSociety for Preservation of Canada's Nuclear HeritageSociety for Preservation of Old Crafts and Skills - White EaglesSociety for PreventionSociety for Prevention RearchSociety for Prevention of CancerSociety for Prevention of CrueSociety for Preventive HealthSociety for Prevocational SurgeonsSociety for Process ConsultingSociety for Professional ImagingSociety for Professional Political AnalystsSociety for Promoting RationalitySociety for Promoting Rural Education and DevelopmentSociety for Promotion and Popularization of ScienceSociety for Promotion of Ethical and Affordable HealthcareSociety for Promotion of Industrial Development and Engineering ResearchSociety for Promotion of It in Chandigarh (Spic)Society for Protecting the Rights of the Child (Sprc)Society for Psychedelic Outreach, Reform, and EducationSociety for PsychoanalyticSociety for Psychological AssistanceSociety for Psychophysiological ResearchSociety for Psychophysiological Research IncSociety for Psychotherapy ResearchSociety for Public Health EducationSociety for Public Health Educators - Northern CaliforniaSociety for Public Policy, GimSociety for Public Service Interpreting LimitedSociety for Public Services InnovationSociety for Quality Assurance in Nigeria (Sqan)Society for Quality EducationSociety for Quality Healthcare KenyaSociety for Quality in Healthcare in NigeriaSociety for Quantitative Approaches to Social ResearchSociety for Quiz, UilsSociety for Radiation Oncology AdministratorsSociety for Range ManagementSociety for Rational DressSociety for Reaching the Unreached (Sru)Society for Redox Biology and MedicineSociety for Rehabilitation & Rural DevelopmentSociety for Rehabilitation Medicine (Singapore)Society for Rehabilitation of Autistic ChildrenSociety for Reparations for the Children of Americas SlavesSociety for Reproduction and FertilitySociety for Reproductive InvestigationSociety for Reproductive InvestigationSociety for Research & Development in EducationSociety for Research DevelopmentSociety for Research Into Higher EducationSociety for Research and Higher StudySociety for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and InstitutionSociety for Research and Protection of BiodiversitySociety for Research in Child DevelopmentSociety for Research in RehabilitationSociety for Research on AdolescenceSociety for Research on Biological Rhythms IncSociety for Research on Educational EffectivenessSociety for Research on Educational EffectivenessSociety for Research on Nicotine and TobaccoSociety for Research on Nicotine and TobaccoSociety for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco - EuropeSociety for Rich Internet Application & Rich User InterfaceSociety for Risk AnalysisSociety for Risk Analysis - EuropeSociety for Risk Analysis Nordic ChapterSociety for Ritual ArtsSociety for Rural DevelopmentSociety for Rural Education and Development (Sred)Society for Rural ImprovementSociety for Rural Integrated and Youth AssociationSociety for Rural ProsperitySociety for Rural Prospertity (Srp)Society for Rusyn EvolutionSociety for Sampoorna Grama SwarajSociety for Scholarly PublishingSociety for Science & the PublicSociety for Science and Religion in AsiaSociety for Science-Based MedicineSociety for Scientific AdvancementSociety for Scientific ExplorationSociety for Scientific LiteracySociety for Scientific ValuesSociety for Security Policy MannheimSociety for Sedimentary GeoSociety for Self EmploymentSociety for Serving HumanitySociety for Sex Therapy & Research IncSociety for Shamanic PracticionersSociety for Simulation in HealthcareSociety for Simulation in Healthcare (Ssh)Society for Smart E-Mobility - SsemSociety for Social EcologySociety for Social NeuroscienceSociety for Social Security and EmpowermentSociety for Social Studies of ScienceSociety for Social WorkSociety for Social Work Admin in Health Care Metro Ny Chapter IncSociety for Social Work Adminstrators in Health CareSociety for Social Work Leadership in Health CareSociety for Social Work Leadership in Healthcare - Wa ChapterSociety for Software QualitySociety for Software as a Service PartnersSociety for Space Education Research and Development (Sserd)Society for Spiritual and Paranormal ResearchSociety for StorytellingSociety for Student Mess ServicesSociety for Study of Xenobiotics-India (Ssx-India)Society for Sugar Research and PromotionSociety for Sustainable DevelopmentSociety for Sustainable DevelopmentSociety for Sustainable Development Goals Ntu FSDSociety for Sustainable Development IslamabadSociety for Sustainable Events (Sfse)Society for Sustainable Land ManagementSociety for Sustainable Souls at FiuSociety for Sustainable Tourism & Development. Inc. - SstdiSociety for Synthetic Biology (Singapore)Society for Talent EducationSociety for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Stlhe)Society for Technical CommunicationSociety for Technical Communication - Accessibility SigSociety for Technical Communication - Austin ChapterSociety for Technical Communication - Europe Special Interest GroupSociety for Technical Communication - North Texas Lone Star ChapterSociety for Technical Communication - Rochester ChapterSociety for Technical Communication - San Diego ChapterSociety for Technical Communication - Washington, Dc-Baltimore ChapterSociety for Technical Communication, Southeastern Michigan Chapter (Stc-Sm)Society for Technical CommunitySociety for Technology Management (Stem)Society for Technology in AnesthesiaSociety for Technology in Anesthesia N-P Public Benefit CorpSociety for Telangana State NetworkSociety for Tennis Medicine & ScienceSociety for Tennis Medicine and ScienceSociety for Textual ScholarshipSociety for Theatre Arts Growth and Enjoyment-Mid-MichiganSociety for TheriogenologySociety for Thermal MedicineSociety for Threatened PeoplesSociety for Toxic Mold AwarenessSociety for Traditional Art and Rural CultureSociety for Translational OncologySociety for Treatment of AutismSociety for Trekking and Environmental PreservationSociety for Tropical Veterinary MedicineSociety for Truth and JusticeSociety for Ultrastructural PathologySociety for Unaided Private Schools of RajasthanSociety for Undertaking Justice and Equality for UyghursSociety for Underwater TechnologySociety for Underwater Technology (Sut) Perth BranchSociety for Underwater Technology NorwaySociety for Underwater Technology(The)Society for UnitySociety for Universal Sacred MusicSociety for Universal WelfareSociety for Urban and Rural EmpowermentSociety for Utopian Studies IncSociety for Values and Ethics in Leadership (Socvel)Society for Values in Higher EducationSociety for Vascular MedicineSociety for Vascular NursingSociety for Vascular Nursing (Svn)Society for Vascular SurgerySociety for Vascular Technology of Great Britain & IrelandSociety for Vascular UltrasoundSociety for Vector EcologySociety for Vedic Exploration and Spiritual AdvancementSociety for Veterinary Medical EthicsSociety for Veterinary Soft Tissue SurgerySociety for Viipuri School of EconomicsSociety for Visual EducationSociety for Weak & Needy TrustSociety for Welfare of ChildrenSociety for West African Internal Audit Practitioners (Swaiap)Society for West African Internal Audit Practitioners (Swaiap)Society for Wilderness StewardshipSociety for Wildlife Forensic ScienceSociety for WingsSociety for Wollongong Women in Medicine (Swwim)Society for Women & NatureSociety for Women and Girl-Child EmpowermentSociety for Women in PhilSociety for Women in Space Exploration - Swise-UprmSociety for Women's Health Research (Swhr)Society for World-Class Innovation on Financial TechnologySociety for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, IncSociety for Young Advocates and Researchers (Syar India)Society for in Vitro BiologySociety for the Advancement of Animal & Environmental Welfare (Saaew)Society for the Advancement of Applied Computer Science (Gfai) e.V.Society for the Advancement of Biology Education ResearchSociety for the Advancement of Black Arts (Saba)Society for the Advancement of Black Education LimitedSociety for the Advancement of Blood Management (Sabm)Society for the Advancement of ConsultingSociety for the Advancement of EducationSociety for the Advancement of EducationSociety for the Advancement of Health Education PublishingSociety for the Advancement of JudaismSociety for the Advancement of Management Studies Limited(The)Society for the Advancement of Material and Process EngineeringSociety for the Advancement of OsteopathySociety for the Advancement of Scandinavian StudySociety for the Advancement of Sciences in Africa-SasaSociety for the Advancement of Transplant AnesthesiaSociety for the Advancement of Yoruba Language and Culture (Saylc)Society for the Advancement of Young ScientistsSociety for the Advancement of the Caribbean Diaspora (Sacd)Society for the Aged SickSociety for the Analysis of African American Public Health IssuesSociety for the Anthropology of Lowland South AmericaSociety for the Anthropology of North America (Sana)Society for the Arts in HealthcareSociety for the Autistics in India (Sai)Society for the BlindSociety for the Blind of Dewsbury Batley and DistrictSociety for the Conservation of Bighorn SheepSociety for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (Scnl)Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands, Inc.Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands, Inc.Society for the EnvironmentSociety for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior IncSociety for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (Sepi)Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration IncSociety for the History of Czechoslovak Jews IncSociety for the History of TechnologySociety for the Improvement of Psychological ScienceSociety for the Increase of the Ministry - SimSociety for the Integration of Spirituality and Psychotherapy IncSociety for the Maintenance of the FaithSociety for the Neural Control of MovementSociety for the Neurobiology of LanguageSociety for the Performing ArtsSociety for the Performing Arts - HoustonSociety for the Performing Arts in Nigeria (Span)Society for the Performing Arts in Nigeria - SpanSociety for the Phenomenology of Religious ExperienceSociety for the Preservation & Appreciation of Antique Motor FireSociety for the Preservation of British Transportation in AmericaSociety for the Preservation of Candy Cane LaneSociety for the Preservation of Historic Cements IncSociety for the Preservation of Historic OakwoodSociety for the Preservation of Long Island AntiquitiesSociety for the Preservation of Natural History CollectionsSociety for the Preservation of New England Antiquities IncSociety for the Preservation of RaptorsSociety for the Preservation of the Great American SongbookSociety for the Preservation of the Mosaic Templars of America BLDGSociety for the PreventionSociety for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty and AbuseSociety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Hk)Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Hong Kong)Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Spca)Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Spca) SgSociety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals MauiSociety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in LebanonSociety for the Prevention of Social IssuesSociety for the Promotion & Protection of Poultry LTDSociety for the Promotion of Higher Education in Pakistan (Sophep)Society for the Promotion of Initiatives in Sustainable Development and Welfare (Sopisdew) CameroonSociety for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (Spja)Society for the Promotion of Nature of SerbiaSociety for the Promotion of Roman Studies(The)Society for the PropagationSociety for the Protection of Animals LjubimciSociety for the Protection of Nature in LebanonSociety for the Protection of New Hampshire ForestsSociety for the Protection of Nh ForestsSociety for the Protection of Prespa (Spp)Society for the Protection of TurtlesSociety for the Protection of Unborn Children (Spuc)Society for the Protection of the Girl ChildSociety for the Provision of Education in Rural Australia (Spera)Society for the Psychological Study of Social IssuesSociety for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality- SPRSSociety for the Psychology of WomenSociety for the Relief of Widows and Orphans of Medical MenSociety for the Responsible Use of Resources in Agriculture and on the Land(The)Society for the School of Medical TechnologySociety for the Science of MotivationSociety for the Scientific Study OfpsychopathySociety for the Scientific Study of ReadingSociety for the Scientific Study of ReligionSociety for the Scientific Study of ReligionSociety for the Scientific Study of ReligionSociety for the Scientific Study of SexualitySociety for the Study of Androgen Deficiency (Andropause Society)Society for the Study of Androgen Deficiency in the Adult Male (The Andropause Society)Society for the Study of Architecture in CanadaSociety for the Study of Black ReligionSociety for the Study of Christian SpiritualitySociety for the Study of Early Modern WomenSociety for the Study of Evolution, IncSociety for the Study of Human DevelopmentSociety for the Study of Male ReproductionSociety for the Study of Occupation UsaSociety for the Study of Peace and ConflictSociety for the Study of Peace and ConflictSociety for the Study of Peace, Conflict and Violence Student CommitteeSociety for the Study of Psychiatry and CultureSociety for the Study of ReproductionSociety for the Study of ReproductionSociety for the Study of Social ProblemsSociety for the Study of Sound and Music in GamesSociety for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the AmericSociety for the Visually HandicappedSociety for the Welfare of Autistic Children(swac)Society for the Welfare of the Blind in NigeriaSociety in Progress, Κοινωνία Σε ΕξέλιξηSociety of Abdominal RadiologySociety of Abidance in TruthSociety of Academic & Research SurgerySociety of Accredited LeadersSociety of Accredited Marine SurveyorsSociety of Acoustics (Singapore)Society of ActuariesSociety of Actuaries in IrelandSociety of Advanced StudiesSociety of Adventist CommunicatorsSociety of Advocates Fighting for EqualitySociety of Advocates in AberdeenSociety of AeroSociety of Aeronautics and RocketrySociety of Aerospace Engineers of the Philippines – Student Chapters FederationSociety of African American ProfessionalsSociety of African MissionsSociety of African Missions, Inc. (Sma Fathers) American ProvinceSociety of Aggregates: Economics and PolicySociety of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sard)Society of AiSociety of AiSociety of Air Force NursesSociety of Aircraft Performance and Operations EngineersSociety of Airway PioneersSociety of Alberta Occupational TherapistsSociety of Allied Weight Engineers IncSociety of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc.Society of Alumni Affairs, Iit JodhpurSociety of Amateur Radio AstronomersSociety of Amer Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons IncSociety of American ArchivistsSociety of American Bosnians and HerzegoviniansSociety of American Federal Medical Laboratory Scientists IncSociety of American Fight DirectorsSociety of American FloristsSociety of American Florists and Ornamental HorticulturistsSociety of American ForestersSociety of American Graphic Artists IncSociety of American Historians IncSociety of American Indian GovSociety of American Magicians Parent Assembly No 1 IncSociety of American Military EngineersSociety of American Military Engineers (Same) Hampton Roads PostSociety of American Military Engineers (Same) Huntsville PostSociety of American Military Engineers (Same) Tri-Cities Field ChapterSociety of American Military Engineers - Buffalo PostSociety of American Military Engineers - Charleston PostSociety of American Military Engineers - Dallas PostSociety of American Military Engineers - Pikes Peak PostSociety of American Military Engineers - Scott Field PostSociety of American Military Engineers Albuquerque & El Paso PostSociety of American Military Engineers Atlanta PostSociety of American Military Engineers Central Virginia PostSociety of American Military Engineers Fort Worth PostSociety of American Military Engineers Houston/Galveston PostSociety of American Military Engineers Kittyhawk PostSociety of American Military Engineers Minneapolis-Saint Paul PostSociety of American Military Engineers New Jersey PostSociety of American Military Engineers Nyc PostSociety of American Military Engineers Orange County PostSociety of American Military Engineers Rhein-Main PostSociety of American Military Engineers San Antonio PostSociety of American Military Engineers, Guam PostSociety of American Military Engineers, Oklahoma City PostSociety of American Military Engineers, Savannah PostSociety of American MiniaturistsSociety of American Mosaic ArtistsSociety of American Period Furniture MakersSociety of American Registered ArchitectsSociety of American Registered Architects New York CouncilSociety of American Travel WritersSociety of American Travel Writers FoundationSociety of American Value EngineersSociety of American-Nepalese NursesSociety of Analytical Psychology(The)Society of Anesthesia and Sleep MedicineSociety of Anesthesiologists and ReanimatologistsSociety of Animal ArtistsSociety of Animal Physiologists of IndiaSociety of Animal Welfare AdministratorsSociety of AntiquariesSociety of Antiquaries of LondonSociety of Antiquaries of ScotlandSociety of Applied Engineering Sciences (Saes)Society of Applied Geoscientists and Engineers, Inc.Society of Applied Mathematics of UplbSociety of Aquaculture ProfessionalsSociety of Archaeology StudentsSociety of Architectural Critics and WritersSociety of Architectural HistoriansSociety of Architectural Historians of Great BritainSociety of Architectural Historians, Australia and New ZealandSociety of Architectural IllustrationSociety of Architecture & Engineering s.r.l.Society of ArchivistsSociety of Army Physicians Assistant - SapaSociety of Art RockSociety of Artificial IntelligenceSociety of Artificial Intelligence and LawSociety of Artificial Intelligence for Medicine and Healthcare SaimahSociety of Artificial Intelligence in HealthcareSociety of Artistic VeteransSociety of Artists NewcastleSociety of Artists in ArchitectureSociety of ArtsSociety of Arts Students (Sas)Society of Arts and Science StudentsSociety of Arts, Humanities, and Social SciencesSociety of Asian Lawyers LimitedSociety of Asian Rotomoulders - StarSociety of Asian Scientists and Engineers (Sase)Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (Sase)Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (Sase) - Drexel University ChapterSociety of Asian Scientists and Engineers (Sase) - Drexel University ChapterSociety of Asian Scientists and Engineers (Sase) - Northwestern UniversitySociety of Asian Scientists and Engineers (Sase) - San Jose State University ChapterSociety of Asian Scientists and Engineers at Florida State UniversitySociety of Asian Scientists and Engineers at North Carolina State UniversitySociety of Asian Studies Students - University of MichiganSociety of Aspiring Minority EngineersSociety of Aspiring Minority Physician LeadersSociety of Association and Membership ProfessionalsSociety of Astronomy & Astrophysics (India), Saa (India)Society of Astronomy & Space Technology SastSociety of Auditor AppraisersSociety of Australian GenealogistsSociety of Australian SexologistsSociety of Authors(The)Society of Automotive AnalystsSociety of Automotive Engineers (Fr. 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